A Prescription for Change: Understanding the Pyramid of Influence on HCP Behavior

A Prescription for Change: Understanding the Pyramid of Influence on HCP Behavior

Pharmaceutical marketing has changed dramatically over the past two decades. The Office of Inspector General’s (OIG’s) Special Fraud Alert mandated tighter controls over peer-to-peer speaker programs. The Sunshine Act required greater transparency into monetary transactions between pharma manufacturers and healthcare providers (HCPs). Direct access to HCPs has declined steadily, with Read more…

V2V Connects Patients with Better Care Through New Partnership

Vision2Voice is proud to announce a new partnership with the Dreamweaver Foundation, a non-profit organization located in Omaha, NE. V2V’s mission is to ultimately improve the lives of patients everywhere. We do this by connecting medical communication solutions to healthcare professionals. Dreamweaver’s mission aligns with V2V because both organizations help Read more…