By the Numbers: The Impact of a National Broadcast

Imagine simultaneously reaching hundreds or thousands of your targeted healthcare providers (HCPs) across multiple sales territories for 60 minutes. They’d interact live with your top national KOLs who are presenting the key data behind your brand. Upon conclusion of the broadcast, peer-to-peer discussions at the local venues would further elevate

Understanding How HCPs Learn in Virtual Environments

Understanding How HCPs Learn in Virtual Environments

When viewing virtual HCP speaker programs, I’m fascinated with the various adult learning principles incorporated by speakers which focus on attendee engagement and behavioral change. Too often, however, there is little more than a slide deck and a didactic presentation that is reviewed by the speaker. There typically isn’t anything

Scaling Virtual Speaker Programs to Fit Your Needs

Scaling Virtual Speaker Programs to Fit Your Needs

Virtual speaker programs have now established themselves as a regular part of a brand’s peer-to-peer strategies mix. Healthcare professional (HCP) audiences are now more accustomed to the ease and simplicity of joining a virtual program and have come to expect a certain level of professional production value along with engagement meant

When to Tell a Story

When to Tell a Story – Dan Recommends

Recently, when I was sharing with my son the reasons to play less video games, his eyes glossed over. Like he wasn’t processing the importance of my underwhelming lecture about the impact of too much gaming. After I expressed myself, with great sincerity he responded, “Dad, do you mean that

Emotional Intelligence Traits for PMs

Emotional Intelligence Traits Needed for Effective KOL Relationships

When mentoring product managers (PMs) in the pharmaceutical industry over the years, I have found the ability to build, grow, and maintain relationships with key opinion leaders (KOLs) included skills that were not necessarily inherent, but could be developed. That’s because while someone’s intelligence quotient (IQ) will remain relatively static