Howard-Drazner-V2V Interview

Industry Insights with Howard Drazner

Join us as we visit with Vision2Voice’s own Executive Vice President and General Manager, Howard Drazner, as he recaps the last 37 years of biopharma and peer-to-peer medical communications. We discussed how far the healthcare communications industry has come, where it’s going in the future, and whether or not the current

Vision2Voice Healthcare Communications Integrity Award Winner

Vision2Voice Wins 2019 Better Business Bureau Integrity Award

A letter of thanks from Vision2Voice President Dan Rehal: In Vision2Voice’s 12th year of business, I find myself thinking about our biggest achievements. Time and again it comes back to our relationships and the values we share with you as our clients.   There’s no better validation of our commitment to Integrity

4 Points to Consider When Building a Speakers' Bureau

4 Points to Consider when Building a Speaker’s Bureau

Speakers are one of the most promising methods of influencing prescribers. They are often clinicians who have experience with a product. Coupled with their scientific training, they have the know-how to guide their colleagues who may have less experience. Peer-to-peer works. This is why companies spend hundreds of millions of

2 Experiments Proving Pharma Education Matters

2 Experiments Proving Pharma Education Matters

In the last 25 years, two events have changed the face of how we educate doctors. The first occurred in 1992 when Merck introduced a revolutionary new product for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)—PROSCAR (finasteride). It was hailed as so revolutionary that Merck’s CEO, P. Roy Vagelos, MD, hypothesized that doctors