How Speaker Training Has Become a New Hybrid Paradigm
The last year brought about a paradigm shift in how business was conducted. In medical education, virtual programs became the norm as live events were not being held. Compared to just a year ago, there’s far less apprehension about using virtual tools of communication because Speakers and Healthcare Professionals (HCPs)

What Never Changed in Pharma During COVID-19
COVID-19 has reintroduced Americans to the value of the Biopharma industry; to save and to improve the quality of human lives. Good things have already come and great things are about to erupt. It seems like everything has changed. In actuality, none of this is anything new for Biopharma. Do

New PhRMA Code Reinforces Highest Standards for Speaker Programs
Nine months after the Office of Inspector General’s (OIG) November 2020 Special Fraud Alert: Speaker Programs was published, on August 6, 2021, PhRMA issued a statement addressing an update to the PhRMA Code on Interactions with Health Care Professionals. Effective January 1, 2022, PhRMA updated its principles relating to company-sponsored speaker programs and clarified other provisions of the PhRMA Code.

Everything You Need to Know About the OIG Special Fraud Alert
The OIG’s Special Fraud Alert raised concerns towards some characteristics of speaker programs that may be considered risky. These programs, however, are necessary to educate healthcare professionals (HCPs) through Peer-to-Peer (P2P) educational strategies. When conducting P2P speaker programs, you can avoid some of the risks flagged by the OIG, and

Why Clinicians Need More Peer-To-Peer Education, Not Less
In biopharma marketing, we all know the value of providing education to clinicians, and this can come from a variety of places. Direct-to-Consumer (DTC) is a widely used and recognizable marketing tactic, but as any industry professional knows, DTC’s true purpose is to drive patients to HCPs. Historically, a sales force is the most popular method for engaging

Limiting Speaker Program Risks in Light of The OIG’s Special Fraud Alert
So much has happened in the last few months in our industry especially in light of the OIG’s Special Fraud Alert on Speaker Programs that was issued toward the end of the year. I want to really get into some of those nuts and bolts, talk about what the OIG is telling us with

How to Manage the Post-COVID-19 World of Speaker Programs after OIG’s New Special Fraud Alert
As you can imagine, 2020 saw a huge reduction in speaker dinner programs due to COVID-19. The Office of Inspector General (OIG) and the Department of Justice (DOJ) took the opportunity to let biopharma know that these programs remain risky. In its most recent guidance, it stated, “Companies should assess

How Virtual SpeakerCasts® are Changing the Future of Biopharma Communications
The COVID –19 Pandemic has been a moving target. Every time it feels we have a pulse on its direction, the situation changes, leaving many in biopharma scrambling to keep programs on track. There’s a reason pharma and biopharma spend hundreds of millions of dollars on speaker programs annually. Speakers and